​Increase your awareness to avoid unnecessary confrontations
Learn reality-based strategies and techniques to escape and defend
Belong to a safe, fun, inclusive learning community
Empower yourself and improve your physical fitness
Tip of Spear is proudly affiliated with the International Krav Maga Federation, the most effective system of defensive tactics in the world, in order "to walk in peace."
The self-defence skills you need to
live safely & confidently
Beginner Classes are the place to start!

Upcoming Personal Safety Seminars
Can't take classes regularly with us? Take a Saturday morning workshop instead!
These individual 2-3 hour workshops are offered once a month on Saturday mornings on different topics. Seminars include a lecture as well as learning physical skills to improve your understanding and awareness of violence and increase your confidence in knowing what to do if faced with it! See all upcoming seminars.
Student Reviews
Class Schedule
Student Video Testimonies
Why take IKMF Krav Maga Lessons at Tip of Spear?

Krav Maga was born on the battlefield and has been proven over the last 40 years in many areas of conflict, including civilian, law enforcement, security and military all over the world.

Krav Maga is meant to keep you safe in real life. It works on the street, with ANY form of attack (such as style of martial art, number of attackers, or types of weapons), to immediately stop the dangerous behaviour and get to safety as quickly as possible.

Tactical Awareness
Krav Maga is not just about physical technique. It includes the mindset, situational awareness and tactical positioning to first avoid entering a dangerous situation, and if one cannot be avoided, to strategize on the best approach to exit with the best possible outcome.

Quick to Learn
Most people don't have years to learn a new system of self-defence. Within one class you can learn the key basics, and walk out with just a little more confidence. Of course you won't be a ninja right away, but with dedicated practice, you can be proficient in hours rather than years.

The general approach and philosophy is based on principles that are timeless and true, such as 200% defence, and leveraging the natural, instinctive movements of the body. These always supercede any formulated series of techniques, which is why it is not a martial art.

Krav Maga is intended to be used and adapted regardless of any age, body type, size, gender or physical limitation.

Krav Maga develops the mindset necessary to effectively prevail against violence and not be a victim. It grows your confidence in knowing what to do in potentially violent situations.

Experienced Instruction
Tip of Spear has three certified male and female instructors who are all level G1 and up and who are continually learning and developing their own skills to always give you the best. No ego, only humility. Lead instructor, Dave, has over 30 years in the protection and enforcement industry and brings a wealth of wisdom and real life experience.

Living System
IKMF Krav Maga is a living, evolving system, meaning the IKMF global board of experts constantly evaluates and improves the technique to ensure it is easily learned and effective in the field.

Krav Maga is easy to learn and works in cooperation with your body's natural reflexes. It is based upon simple principles that can be used in any dangerous situation rather than complex technique.

At Tip of Spear, you are part of an incredible, supportive community that learns and grows together in a safe environment. Also, as members of the IKMF, our students are able to train internationally at any IKMF training facility in the world!

Physical Fitness
Although having a high level of physical fitness is not a prerequisite to starting classes, as students train, a by-product of that training includes improved physical fitness. Students are encouraged to work to their own fitness levels.

Take a sneak peak into what our classes are like
Krav Maga Classes

“Ninety-nine times out of one hundred, the answer will not be violence. It will be avoidance or de-escalation... But when it is, it is the only answer, and we all need to be prepared for it.”
-Tim Larkin, When Violence Is the Answer: Learning How to Do What It Takes When Your Life Is at Stake